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May 21, 2024

How to Stake your LYZI tokens?

What is Dynamic Staking on the Lyzi dapp?

The term 'Dynamic Staking' may seem a bit complex to describe something simple. In this article, we will explore its mechanisms and discover how this strategy can be a powerful way to optimize your returns. Unlike traditional staking, where you stake tokens to earn rewards related to validating transaction blocks on a blockchain, dynamic staking is more akin to farming in its operation.

What is Dynamic Staking ?

The dynamic staking feature allows users to invest their LYZI tokens in a liquidity pool for one or more periods to collect yields.

A cycle represents a period of 30 elapsed days, and there will be a total of 72 cycles, almost 6 years.

This yield is expressed as an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and varies based on the number of participants, the date when LYZI is deposited into the pool, and the proportion of tokens deposited relative to the total LYZI in the pool.

In other words, by investing early and holding a significant share in the pool, you benefit from higher returns!

Initially, each cycle has a certain number of tokens allocated for rewards, which will be distributed among all users participating in our dynamic staking program.

If you want to know the number of LYZI reward tokens allocated for each period, feel free to check our documentation.

Or you can also check the smart contract on Better Call Dev.

It's important to note that we have the ability to increase the total number of reward tokens distributed to participants before the end of the period. Stay tuned for a special offer on our staking.

What are the conditions of our Dynamic Staking ?

Regarding the staking conditions, we have ensured to make them as flexible as possible.

Thus, you have the option to retrieve all or part of your tokens at any time, as they are not subject to locking.

The minimum amount of tokens required for staking is 1 LYZI.

To claim your staking rewards, you must wait until the end of the period, as indicated by a real-time countdown on our dapp.

Even if you withdraw your tokens from staking before the end of a period, you have the option to return at the end of the period to claim your rewards.

If you wish to leave your tokens in staking for several months, that's no problem, as they will be automatically renewed from one period to another.

However, if you want to benefit from compounded interest, you will need to do it manually. At the end of each period, you will need to claim your rewards, then stake them again, which will increase your returns.

How to Stake your LYZI on Lyzi?

1. Go to

2. Connect your Wallet:

3. Navigate to the Staking category:

4. Activate Staking:

5. Enter the amount of LYZI to Stake:

6. Confirm the Transaction:

Information Available on the Site:

Our platform allows you to track essential real-time data such as:

In conclusion, dynamic staking on Lyzi represents a unique opportunity for investors looking to maximize their returns in the cryptocurrency domain. With exceptional flexibility, our approach offers a transparent and lucrative staking experience. The platform provides real-time data to guide users in their decisions, making staking on Lyzi an attractive option for those seeking to explore the benefits of dynamic staking in the blockchain world.

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